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Python Modules and Packages What is a module in Python? Describe the differences between import and from...import statements in Python. How do you...
Basic Python Concepts What is Python? Explain the difference between Python 2 and Python 3. What are the advantages of using Python? Describe...
Basic Complex Number Functions: cmath.sqrt(): Calculates the square root of a complex number. cmath.exp(): Calculates the exponential of a complex...
Basic Mathematical Functions: math.sqrt(): Calculates the square root of a number. math.pow(): Raises a number to a specified power. math.exp():...
Functions for Statistical Calculations: statistics.mean(): Calculates the arithmetic mean of a sequence of numbers. statistics.median(): Calculates...
Functions for Making Requests: requests.request(): Sends a request to a specified URL with customizable parameters. requests.get(): Sends a GET...