JavaScript Interview Related Important Topics


2 min read

Core JavaScript Concepts:

  1. Data Types and Variables: Understand primitive and reference data types, variable declaration, and scoping (var, let, const).

  2. Functions: Function declaration, expression, anonymous functions, arrow functions, closures, and higher-order functions.

  3. Object-Oriented Concepts: Prototypal inheritance, constructors, classes (ES6), methods, and properties.

  4. Arrays and Objects: Manipulating arrays, array methods (map, filter, reduce), object manipulation, and iteration.

Asynchronous JavaScript:

  1. Promises: Understand promises, chaining, error handling, and working with asynchronous operations.

  2. Async/Await: Working with asynchronous code using async/await syntax for handling promises.

  3. Callbacks: Understanding callback functions and their usage in asynchronous operations.

  4. Event Loop: Understand the event loop, single-threaded nature, and non-blocking I/O in JavaScript.

DOM Manipulation and Events:

  1. DOM Selection and Manipulation: Accessing and manipulating DOM elements, modifying content, and attributes.

  2. Event Handling: Managing events, event propagation, event listeners, and handling user interactions.

  3. Event Bubbling and Capturing: Understanding event flow and bubbling, event delegation, and capturing.

ES6+ Features:

  1. Arrow Functions: Syntax and benefits of arrow functions.

  2. Template Literals: Creating dynamic strings using template literals.

  3. Destructuring: Extracting data from arrays/objects using destructuring.

  4. Spread and Rest Operators: Usage and benefits of spread and rest operators.

  5. Modules: Understanding ES6 modules for better code organization.

Error Handling and Debugging:

  1. Error Handling: Handling errors using try...catch and throwing custom errors.

  2. Debugging Tools: Familiarity with browser developer tools for debugging JavaScript.

Web APIs and Asynchronous Operations:

  1. AJAX and Fetch API: Making asynchronous requests using Fetch API or XMLHttpRequest.

  2. Local Storage and Session Storage: Working with browser storage for client-side data storage.

  3. Web Workers: Understanding the use of web workers for multi-threaded JavaScript execution.

Frameworks and Libraries:

  1. React, Vue, Angular: Familiarity with popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries.

JavaScript Design Patterns:

  1. Module Pattern: Implementing modular code using design patterns like Module Pattern, Revealing Module Pattern, etc.

  2. Singleton Pattern: Understanding and implementing the Singleton design pattern.

  3. Observer Pattern: Understanding event-driven architectures using Observer pattern concepts.

Security and Performance:

  1. Cross-site Scripting (XSS): Understanding and preventing XSS attacks.

  2. Performance Optimization: Techniques for optimizing JavaScript code for better performance.

Testing and Debugging:

  1. Unit Testing: Writing and executing unit tests using testing libraries/frameworks (Jest, Jasmine, Mocha, etc.).

  2. Debugging Tools: Proficiency with debugging tools and techniques for JavaScript.

JavaScript Interview Practice:

  1. Coding Challenges: Practice solving coding challenges and algorithms in JavaScript.

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