Python Projects for Easy Difficulty
1. Simple To-Do List Application
Create a command-line to-do list manager.
Users can add tasks, mark them as completed, and remove tasks from the list.
Utilize basic file handling to save tasks between sessions.
2. Number Guessing Game
Develop a game where the computer generates a random number and the user guesses it.
Provide hints to help the user narrow down their guesses (higher/lower).
Implement a scoring system to track the number of attempts.
3. Simple Calculator
Build a basic calculator that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Accept user input for two numbers and the desired operation.
4. Weather Forecast App
Use an API (like OpenWeatherMap) to fetch weather data.
Create a program that takes a user's input (city name or ZIP code) and displays the current weather conditions.
5. Word Count Tool
Develop a program that counts the occurrences of each word in a given text.
Output the word frequency in descending order.
6. Mad Libs Generator
Create a program that asks users for various types of words (nouns, verbs, adjectives) to fill in a story template.
Display the completed story with user inputs.
7. Dice Rolling Simulator
Simulate the rolling of dice.
Ask the user to input the number of dice and rolls they want to make, then display the results.
8. Hangman Game
Implement a simple text-based version of the Hangman game.
Choose a random word and let the user guess letters until they guess the word or run out of attempts.
9. Simple Text-Based Calculator
- Create a basic calculator that takes a mathematical expression as a string input (e.g., "2 + 3 * 5") and evaluates it to provide the result.
10. BMI Calculator
Build a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator that takes a user's weight and height as input and calculates their BMI.
Provide a classification of their BMI based on standard ranges (underweight, normal, overweight, etc.).