Python Projects for Easy Difficulty


2 min read

1. Simple To-Do List Application

  • Create a command-line to-do list manager.

  • Users can add tasks, mark them as completed, and remove tasks from the list.

  • Utilize basic file handling to save tasks between sessions.

2. Number Guessing Game

  • Develop a game where the computer generates a random number and the user guesses it.

  • Provide hints to help the user narrow down their guesses (higher/lower).

  • Implement a scoring system to track the number of attempts.

3. Simple Calculator

  • Build a basic calculator that performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

  • Accept user input for two numbers and the desired operation.

4. Weather Forecast App

  • Use an API (like OpenWeatherMap) to fetch weather data.

  • Create a program that takes a user's input (city name or ZIP code) and displays the current weather conditions.

5. Word Count Tool

  • Develop a program that counts the occurrences of each word in a given text.

  • Output the word frequency in descending order.

6. Mad Libs Generator

  • Create a program that asks users for various types of words (nouns, verbs, adjectives) to fill in a story template.

  • Display the completed story with user inputs.

7. Dice Rolling Simulator

  • Simulate the rolling of dice.

  • Ask the user to input the number of dice and rolls they want to make, then display the results.

8. Hangman Game

  • Implement a simple text-based version of the Hangman game.

  • Choose a random word and let the user guess letters until they guess the word or run out of attempts.

9. Simple Text-Based Calculator

  • Create a basic calculator that takes a mathematical expression as a string input (e.g., "2 + 3 * 5") and evaluates it to provide the result.

10. BMI Calculator

  • Build a Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator that takes a user's weight and height as input and calculates their BMI.

  • Provide a classification of their BMI based on standard ranges (underweight, normal, overweight, etc.).

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